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How to Wrap a Round Flat Gift

How to Wrap a Round Flat Gift
How to Wrap a Round Flat Gift

Have you ever encountered the problem of wrapping an object with round corners using traditional methods, but your wrapping paper cannot accommodate its entirety? Perhaps now is the time for some geometry magic!

This article outlines several methods for wrapping circular/round/spherical gifts (such as cookie tins or candles). There are a variety of approaches, and the chosen approach depends on the shape of the object being wrapped as well as your desired look!

Pleat Method

If you have ever received a round item that needs to be wrapped, wrapping can be tricky. Not only do you need to find the appropriate paper but it may be hard to ensure all edges look neat and tidy – thankfully there are several effective wrapping methods designed specifically to wrap circular gifts.

One option for packaging your gift in an attractive manner is using the pleat method, which works great when working with either paper or fabric. Simply place your present diagonally at the center and fold each corner up against it so its edge lines up with that of your present.

Once your package is full of neat creases along its sides, fold over its top portion for a finished look. Ribbon or bow can also be added if desired for a stylish touch.

Another effective option for fabric wrapping is using a scarf or dishtowel as the material for wrapping gifts. While this method requires more time and attention than the pleat technique, its appearance can be more elegant. To start this process, cut a square of fabric that is at least as big as your gift and place it in its center with folded up bottom corner against gift. Next bring opposite side forward and fold over corner as shown before taping both edges closed – repeat process on other side!

Fan technique works especially well for cylindrical items like candles. First, cut a length of gift wrap that completely encases your gift; place it face down onto it with its back against it secured using tape; crease and fold the top piece over to create the fold at its base; secure all sides using more tape if necessary before folding over its bottom edge to complete this method.

Twist Method

Wrapping a flat circular gift requires more than simply folding in its edges with paper. In order to achieve professional looking results, the paper needs to be folded so that its short sides meet with its long sides before crimping together both ends for a tight package – this process only takes a few simple steps and your gift will look amazing!

Start by gathering enough paper to wrap your gift. Be sure that it stretches from end of one side of the gift to end and includes extra for overlaps; and has enough length so that it allows a nice fold and creases can be formed easily.

Next, place the gift at the center of the paper and center it carefully before folding its sides inward. Start by bringing one side up over the gift and securing it with tape before folding over another side from either side – repeat this until both sides have an attractive, unbroken fold with no gaps between.

Once your package is assembled, it’s time to add a bow! Simply use some twine or ribbon and tighten it around the middle of your gift before cutting the spool end leaving about five inches for tying your bow.

This technique works best with items with flat bases, such as candles or cookie tins. However, it can also be used with cylindrical items with flat bases, like baskets or boxes – making this method perfect for items too big or heavy to fit into regular gift bags! Just be careful not to over tighten the twine as that could tear.

Tape Method

Too often, when wrapping circular presents like tins and candles, you end up cutting an almost-ideal piece of wrapping paper but it lacks enough room to fully cover your present. But there is an easy solution! Simply fold your ribbon as though wrapping the corners of a box – but make sure that this happens quickly because paper may shift around while doing this process!

Start by taking two opposite corners and pulling them together, before bringing up the other two to join them in the center of your gift. Once this is firmly in place, use your fingers to smooth out wrinkles and creases using fingers if necessary before adding tape for security and possibly adding a bow at the end.

This method works beautifully when wrapping cylindrical gifts that don’t need to stand upright, such as a tin of cookies or candle. Simply position the present in the middle of a sheet of wrapping paper that is slightly larger than it. If using a gift bag instead, ensure it can support its weight without collapsing!

To properly wrap a present, begin by folding one of the long sides toward the center and pulling up and over on another long side. Repeat this process for all short sides until all creases are tight and well-tucked in; finally use tape to secure everything and you are finished!

This method can be applied to paper and fabric materials alike, although for optimal results use lightweight fabric without slipperiness such as square-patterned scarves or dishtowels – such as square patterned scarf or dishtowel. Once your material is chosen, place the present in the center and fold each long edge over toward its center crease so as to form two layers of cloth around your gift.

Fabric Method

Round gifts can be lovely gestures, yet can be difficult to wrap. Not only must you figure out a way to secure it without creasing, but you must also figure out how to fold it neatly so as to create an appealing crease.

There are a few simple techniques you can use to make wrapping circular gifts as effortless as possible!

Fabric wrapping is an increasingly popular method for covering circle-shaped objects, as it makes use of cloth’s flexible nature and foldable edge to secure that the gift edges lie along an imaginary line that runs across it from left to right. Simply lay out a piece of cloth on a surface, place your present in its center, fold its bottom edge up over its top edge until your gift sits against this imaginary line, fold back again over top edge and fold again over bottom edge ensuring gift is against imaginary line from left to right – voila!! Fabric Method

After that, continue wrapping the present as usual; adding extra tape around its edges if the gift is particularly long or wide may be necessary. Finally, tie a ribbon around it for good measure!

Pleating is another method that works well with both round and cylindrical gifts, and it should start by cutting a piece of paper slightly longer than your gift is tall and wide, then folding it down the center so both sides have some excess paper left on them; this will make pleating easier, giving it a professional and neat finish.

The twist method is an excellent way to secure circular gifts. Simply lay out a piece of wrapping paper or tissue paper flat on the floor and roll your gift up inside it, securing its end with tape. Fold down one section along its middle section before starting to crimp and flatten until it reaches the middle and secures itself with tape.

Fabric wrapping methods provide another great choice for circular and cylindrical gifts alike. To start this technique, begin by placing your present in the center of a sheet of paper before folding up and folding back down as normal wrapper would. Next, bring each corner up towards the middle section before tucking it behind your gift before taping its edges securely before adding ribbon or bow if desired.