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Home ยป How to Gift Wrap a Skateboard

How to Gift Wrap a Skateboard

Skateboards present unique wrapping challenges. However, with some creative thinking and patience you can make any skateboard present look stunning!

As first step, you will require a sheet of wrapping paper, cardboard box and ample tape. Any high spots should also be sanded down so the adhesive sticks properly to your board.

Wrapping Paper

Skateboards make great presents for anyone who enjoys skating, but their unique shape can make wrapping one difficult. However, with some simple tips you’ll soon be wrapping one for Christmas or any other event easily and quickly! These will allow you to give someone exactly the present they deserve!

First, ensure the skateboard is clean to ensure an optimal fit with its wrapping paper. A spray cleaner or cloth are effective ways to maintain this task. Next, measure its dimensions so as to establish how much paper or box should be purchased.

Once you have taken all the appropriate measurements, wrapping a skateboard can begin. When using a cardboard box to transport it, make sure that its entirety encloses all parts of the board for optimal protection during transport and secure the box using tape to prevent it from coming apart during transit.

Rather than use a box for shipping your skateboard, bubble wrap can still provide protection from scratches or dents during transit. In order to prevent these potential problems from occurring it’s also essential that wheels be wrapped separately from their respective decks in order to safeguard them from becoming damaged during shipping.

After wrapping the skateboard, add a decorative ribbon as an additional touch and show that you put some thought and care into creating their gift. Use a bow if desired or choose another method such as tissue paper or fabric strips in a color that complements their skateboard’s colors scheme if ribbon isn’t your thing!

Cardboard Box

If you are giving someone a skateboard as a gift, ensure it is carefully wrapped to show that you appreciate and value their present. Although wrapping takes more effort, doing it properly shows your recipient that they matter and show your care and appreciation of their present.

Start by finding a cardboard box large enough to accommodate your skateboard, with handles on its sides to make it easier to carry. Next, prepare the board for wrapping – making sure its clean before beginning will make this task much simpler – making sure that wheels and trucks don’t protrude from under the cover is also essential!

Next, take measurements of your skateboard to make sure the wrap fits perfectly on its surface. A tape measure or ruler are both effective tools for taking these measurements accurately; take note of any curves or details on its body that could help ensure an accurate template.

Once you have your measurements taken, you can begin wrapping your skateboard. Use plenty of adhesive to keep the wrap secure; and ensure there are no air bubbles as this may cause it to unravel over time. When finished, add ribbon or bows for an attractive touch!


Skateboards make a wonderful present for both kids and adults of any age. Popular among skateboard enthusiasts, these stylish boards can be purchased for an economical price from most skateboard shops. But wrapping one may prove challenging; creativity may be required here. Luckily, there are various steps that can help make wrapping an easier and more enjoyable process: first it is necessary to find a box large enough for the skateboard; this can be accomplished by measuring both width and length using a tape measure before writing these measurements down on paper for future reference – making future searches much simpler in terms of finding boxes more easily in future searches!

Once the skateboard is enclosed in its box, it should be protected with bubble wrap or packing peanuts to reduce any chance of damage during transport. Next, cover it in wrapping paper and tape it down. A ribbon may then be tied around it while adding a notecard or tag completes this wonderful gift idea!

Before wrapping your skateboard, it is necessary to first give it a thorough cleaning. This will remove dirt, dust, and any other debris, while using damp cloth wipe down its wheels and axles. Next, place the board on some cardboard in order to form a flat surface before covering with butcher paper or another thick sheet of paper; this will hide its unique shape as well as prevent its wheels from poking through its wrapping paper.

Once your skateboard is wrapped, you can give it to a loved one as a present! Custom wrapping it will look amazing and leave an unforgettable impression upon its recipient – not to mention taking only minutes!

Tissue Paper

Skateboards make an unusual present that is challenging to wrap, with their odd shape making it hard to hide their wheels from view. But with some creative thought and careful wrapping techniques you can make this gift as presentable as any other gift!

Start by prepping the skateboard. Wipe it down with a damp cloth, remove any dust or dirt, and use a cardboard box as a flat surface for wrapping. Next, cut two pieces of cardboard the same size as your skateboard to use on both its top and bottom surface lining both pieces with packaging tape for secure closure.

Once you have your skateboard and materials prepared, it’s time to begin wrapping! First, use a measuring tape to take measurements of its length, width, and height before writing these down on paper for future reference. Carefully cut wrap to fit these dimensions before trimming away any extra material and taping up corners once completed.

Add a card and bow to complete your gift package, and if you’re feeling especially creative you could add a personalized message on the back. This shows your recipient that you put some thought and consideration into their present.

Next time you want to give someone a skateboard as a present, consider these tips to make the process simpler. With some careful planning and the appropriate materials at your disposal, you’ll soon have your skateboard wrapped like an expert in no time – don’t forget a gift card so your recipient can fully enjoy their new board this Christmas!


When giving a skateboard as a present, it is crucial that it is appropriately packaged. This will ensure it arrives undamaged and that its recipient can immediately begin enjoying their new board. There are various methods of wrapping it – including tape, string or gift bags – and selecting one will depend on both budget and personal preference.

Before wrapping your skateboard, the surface must first be prepared. First, wipe down the board with a damp cloth to remove dirt or dust; next cut a piece of cardboard or paper to fit over its top and bottom so as to provide a flat surface for wrapping paper and cover all areas evenly.

Assemble a tape measurer or ruler to help measure the size of your skateboard and box accurately, and use it to reduce wasteful paper usage and save money in the process. Furthermore, having one will enable you to cut strips of wrapping paper accurately to cover your board.

Once finished, use a strong adhesive to secure the wrapping paper to your skateboard and decorate with stickers and other embellishments – then your skateboard is ready for gift giving!

Skateboards make an amazing present for children of any age; but due to their expensive nature it can be challenging finding an engaging way of wrapping it – particularly older children will appreciate an original and special skateboard wrap design!