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How to Gift Wrap a Large Blanket

How to Gift Wrap a Large Blanket
How to Gift Wrap a Large Blanket

An elegantly wrapped blanket makes an excellent present. Giving it as a present or keeping it for later, wrapping a blanket is an easy way to show your loved ones just how much you care.

Gift-wrapping a large blanket doesn’t need to be difficult! With options such as bows or baskets available to you, your present will stand out on Christmas morning!

Choose the Right Paper

Blankets are soft and delicate objects, so traditional wrapping paper may rip easily if you try to wrap too tightly. Therefore, when giving blankets as gifts it’s essential that the appropriate paper be selected – wrapping paper, gift bag or even fabric could all work to add that special touch and make the recipient’s experience memorable.

For instance, if you are giving the blanket as a Christmas present, consider using wrapping paper with Christmas stamps and prints – this will create a festive appearance while setting it apart from other presents under the tree. Or try broadsheet paper decorated with various patterns (red-green/silver-blue combinations of your choosing are great too!).

As another option, use a bag or box that’s large enough to house the blanket. Be sure to include other related gifts; for instance if giving as part of a baby shower present you could add matching bib and wash cloth; otherwise you could opt for rattle or stuffed animal instead.

If you don’t have an appropriate box or container to accommodate a blanket, try creating a gift basket as an innovative and creative way of giving the blanket as a present. Plus, this allows you to include other related gifts relating to its use or occasion!

Fold it up and tie with a ribbon for an attractive presentation that suits any size blanket. A wider ribbon adds elegance to this method of wrapping.

Add an extra special touch by including a handwritten note with your gift. This will remind the recipient who gave them it and demonstrate your thoughtfulness – you could even tie a ribbon around the blanket to complete its presentation!

Wrap the Blanket

Wrapping a blanket presents you with various possibilities. One method involves rolling up and securing with ribbon; this method works for all sizes of blankets and is easy to do. Another approach would be placing the blanket inside an elegant gift bag as this protects it from creasing and creases while adding an elegant finishing touch.

An additional way to personalize the gift and make it more special is using fabric to wrap the blanket. Be sure to select fabric that complements its color and style – for instance if the blanket features flowers then floral fabric could be ideal.

Add accessories to the blanket when wrapping it – such as small pillows or scented candles – for a complete presentation and ensure that the recipient enjoys his or her gift. Furthermore, personalize it further with a note or card bearing your message or personalization!

Adding a bow can add the perfect finishing touch to a blanket present, making it more elegant and distinguishing it among all of the gifts under the tree. When selecting your bow, ensure it matches both its color and style to best present it to its recipient.

Once you’ve selected the appropriate paper and bow, it is time to wrap the blanket. Begin by placing it flat on a piece of wrapping paper large enough to accommodate it completely; once in place, fold and tape the paper for a neat package before adding an attractive finishing touch such as ribbon, yarn or fabric/tinsel that matches its design – or alternatively using tape!

Add a Personal Touch

A blanket makes an intimate present, and its wrapping process should reflect this intimacy. Ideas include using patterned paper, ribbons, or unique trinkets that reflect its recipient. Incorporating personal notes can add another layer of meaning into the experience.

Another idea for gift wrapping a large blanket is using a cloth bag as packaging material. This method is straightforward and simple, protecting it from any creasing and dings while being stored, and perfect for anyone without much storage space at home.

Or you could try using a pillowcase as an easy and fast way to present your blanket. This method offers quick results while adding personal flair with ribbon or greeting card accents that match its design – ideal if your blanket doesn’t look presentable enough on its own!

If you’re searching for an unexpected way to wrap a blanket, try using a tablecloth as its wrapping material. Perfect for Christmas and birthday presents alike, festive patterns can easily match their theme! Simply fold the blanket in half with top and bottom edges tucking underneath itself before folding top and bottom edges together into center fold. Make sure the folds don’t become too tight so your recipient will be able to unfold their gift easily upon unwrapping!

Another great way to gift wrap a large blanket is placing it in a cardboard box, as this method is quick, simple, and eco-friendly. Furthermore, this method makes for an excellent surprise present! To add an extra special touch you could write a personal message on the front of the box or attach an eye-catching ribbon bow!

There are various methods for gift wrapping a blanket; the key to successful presentation lies in finding one that suits the receiver of your present. Show your creativity and care while adding some personal touches so they will cherish their new blanket for years.

Create a Gift Basket

Blankets make wonderful presents at any time of year, but especially during the cold winter months. To add an extra special touch, gift it in an eye-catching box complete with ribbons and trinkets for that personal touch that your recipient will surely appreciate.

One effective and straightforward method for wrapping blankets as gifts is folding them lengthwise and rolling them up from one end, using this simple step as a method. After rolling up, simply secure with ribbon and add a gift tag to complete your presentation!

One unique way of giving blankets as presents is to put them in an elegant basket. Simply choose a basket that’s large enough for the blanket and fill it with additional decorative items – even adding a bow and card will surely impress its recipient!

Make an unforgettable gift basket by selecting fabric that complements the style and color of the blanket you are giving away, cutting into squares and folding them over to cover any edges that protrude, before tying a ribbon around its top edge to secure it all in place.

As another means of gift wrapping a blanket, using a reusable box may provide the recipient with safe storage until needed. Simply place the item inside and secure with tape before adding some filler material such as colorful shred or bubble wrap as filler material to prevent shifting and maintain its shape.

When it comes to gift wrapping a blanket, what matters most is showing that person how much you care. An act of love shown through its presentation will bring more happiness than any fancy bow or costly paper ever could.