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How to Gift Wrap a Flat Round Object

How to Gift Wrap a Flat Round Object

Gift-wrapping an object of an irregular size or shape can be tricky – particularly round or circular objects!

While rectangular and square gifts can be wrapped using standard methods, circular gifts require some creative folding techniques to avoid an untidy appearance. Watch this video for a simple trick to give a beautiful presentation without creating an unruly mess of folds!

1. Tape

If you are giving a present that is round or spherical, wrapping it can be daunting. But there are various techniques that you can try out to make the task less intimidating.

Begin with a piece of wrapping paper large enough to encase your object, and cut it so there is about an inch of overhang on each side (this will make taping easier). Next, fold slowly with your thumb, index finger, and middle finger the right-bottom corner inward until it meets in the middle, repeat on other bottom side of paper until pleats form within your paper – this should produce pleats which look nice.

Fold the long sides of paper over an object, making sure there is at least a two-inch overlap on both sides, then gently press them onto it with your fingertips for a neat fold. Finally, tape both ends of paper so as to secure their placement.

Ribbons provide an easy and quick way to wrap flat circle objects. Simply loop a piece around one corner “kitty corner” from another one, secure with tape, and loop back around again on all four corners – adding bows for an added finishing touch!

Simple gift wrap methods such as twisting can also work. Begin by pulling one long side of paper towards yourself and folding it up around an object until reaching its center, continuing until reaching it all the way back down again and taping off the end of paper in a neat fashion.

Make your flat circular object even more elegant by creating some lovely swirls with your wrapping paper. Cut a piece four times larger than its circumference and pleat small ruffles into it – this will give your present an exquisite and distinctive appearance!

2. Wrapping Paper

Gift wrapping presents unique challenges; for instance, cylindrical objects present additional difficulties. But with just a few tips in hand, even these tricky presents can be easily wrapped!

First and foremost, choose your ribbon. There are plenty of choices available so you can find one to suit any special event – for instance, holiday gifts may call for festive twine or satin; while for birthday presents that need something subtler you might opt for something less colorful.

Once you have chosen your ribbon, the next step in creating beautiful wrapping paper should be cutting it to size and taping it together securely. Also ensure that any loose tabs or ends are tucked in neatly and that any loose ends or gaps of paper are folded under so as to create no unsightly gaps or loose spots of paper.

Measure and cut paper according to the dimensions of your present, then tape along its edges so as to keep it from unfolding during wrapping.

Start by gathering the sides of the paper together. As opposed to wrapping a box, which requires folding in corners for corners to meet, wrapping a circle requires you to “create your own corners”.

To do this, place your gift in the center of a piece of paper and fold each cut edge by one inch to ensure a straight and even rollup when rolling it up.

Once this step has been completed, begin rolling up the present in paper until reaching the end and tape securing it shut.

Final step in gift wrapping: adding a bow. There are numerous creative approaches you can take when doing this, such as using ribbon to tie it around the top or simply placing it on front so as not to detract from its design.

3. Wrapping Ribbon

Gifts that don’t fit neatly into rectangular or square boxes require creative wrapping solutions. Cylindrical or circular objects require folded paper that allows you to wrap neatly around them before adding a bow, so this technique must be executed perfectly for success. There are various techniques you can employ in order to make sure that your present looks amazing when wrapped.

These same methods of gift wrapper can also be applied to wrapping non-square or rectangular boxes, by folding paper to form series of creases around their shape. For instance, an odd-shaped tin could be folded over so its top covers its side so as to cover its bottom part, before folding up one long side of the tin over it and taping it closed.

Wrapping circular objects requires cutting your wrapping paper into strips that are twice the diameter of the object you wish to wrap and wrapping each strip around individually with tape securing it around its circumference. After all the strips have been secured around, add an embellishing touch with ribbon or bow for that special finishing touch.

Rather than throwing away that round gift you found too large for paper, try the twist method to wrap it instead. First place it in the center of the paper with its long side touching up against its circle center; then starting from one corner, twist the paper around your present, crimping as you go and tape down along its center section to keep everything together.

Attempt this technique if you need to wrap a gift that is large and round. Begin with a sheet of wrapping paper about twice wider than its diameter; fold its sides up towards your present to form triangles; crease their middle sections to center each triangle before proceeding with further wrapping steps.

4. Bows

When wrapping circular boxes, a bow makes an impressive finishing touch. It’s an economical and straightforward way to give your gift extra special. Choose between various ribbon styles, colors, and textures in order to enhance its color scheme or select one that complements the paper you used as well.

One way to create a bow is to simply twist the ribbon back and forth to form several loops, leaving them plain or embellishing them with flowers for an additional feminine touch. Another method involves cutting a long piece of ribbon, folding it in half, then creating loops from one end until your desired size has been reached – you may then bring its ends together and secure with tape for the perfect bow!

Bows make an attractive finishing touch on cylindrical gifts. An easy way to achieve this effect is to wrap your present in your desired paper, and tie a ribbon around its center at the top before tying into a bow.

Fold the paper into pleats at the top of your gift. This technique is quick and simple, while keeping its form concealed – an ideal option for last-minute presents!

Use this technique when wrapping round objects that don’t come in boxes, such as sporting equipment or clothing. Simply position the object in the middle of your choice of wrapping paper, fold its sides inward until they meet in the middle, and finish it off by adding a bow or gift tag if desired.