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Are Flowers a Good Graduation Gift?

Are Flowers a Good Graduation Gift?

are flowers a good graduation gift

Graduation marks an exciting new chapter of life, so a thoughtful gift should always mark this special event. A suitcase or travel-themed decor might make the ideal present.

Flowers can also make an excellent gesture. Flowers convey messages such as congratulations, admiration and joy.


An impressive graduation is an outstanding milestone, making this an appropriate time to show your gratitude. Gifting flowers as part of a bouquet or corsage arrangement or boutonniere would be the perfect gesture – as would showing support with their next ventures! There is a range of different flower options available such as bouquets, corsages, boutonnieres or wreaths to help show how much you care!

Roses are an elegant graduation present that symbolize joy, happiness and elegance. Available in various colors to fit the personality of your graduate; white roses communicate innocence while pink ones show affection – or try adding mixed petals for an exotic and vibrant effect!

Ranunculuses, which are small flowers with tight blooms that open into beautiful layers, make an elegant yet affordable graduation present that celebrates accomplishment. You could even give them a lei – which is used traditionally in Hawaiian culture – which will add the extra special touch.

Chrysanthemums, eye-catching flowers that convey joy and optimism, make an excellent choice for a free-spirited grad. Choose from various colors such as blues and greens; this gift also symbolizes longevity – perfect for marking a new chapter in their lives!

Sunflowers make an excellent choice, representing love, beauty and happiness. Sunflowers also serve as an excellent reminder of those wishing for them as they move onto bigger steps in their lives – they serve as a good symbol. Sunflowers can make an ideal present for graduates as they move into new chapters in their lives!

Ideally, when giving floral gifts as graduation presents, try and present them before the ceremony takes place so that the graduate can wear and enjoy your gift while receiving their diploma and entering their next phase of life. While you could also send it afterward, giving it before will allow them to hold it in photos forever and remember your thoughtfulness long-term.


Peonies are an exquisite flowering plant with deep symbolism and history. Available in an array of colors, peonies make a wonderful graduation present as they represent love, luxury, strength and beauty while lasting long and being easy to care for.

Consider your graduate’s personality and style when selecting their graduation gift color. If they tend toward romance, send pink peonies as they symbolize platonic or romantic love while for more self-confident graduates white peonies are symbolic of trust and loyalty.

Orchids make the ideal graduation present, symbolizing beauty, elegance, and longevity. As one of the oldest flowers on earth, orchids offer an excellent choice to send a message of affection or congratulations to graduates. You’ll find these blooms available in white, yellow and pink variations to meet any graduate’s personality perfectly!

Add something extra special by giving a heartleaf philodendron plant as a graduation present. These easy-care plants will bring greenery into any home or office while acting as a good air filter to reduce stress and remind graduates of all their accomplishments! A heartleaf philodendron will remind your graduate how much you appreciate their accomplishments throughout their lives!

If you want to do something a bit different this graduation season, why not choose an orchid plant as opposed to a bouquet? Orchids are beautiful indoor plants known for their elegant and fragrant blooms – perfect for wedding bouquets as well as symbolic of a new beginning! They make a wonderful present that symbolizes this transitional period!

When it comes to planting an orchid, you will need to fertilize twice annually – once prior to spring’s buds forming and once three months later. Regular fertilization helps these plants produce lush blooms while remaining healthy; you should also water frequently so that all bacteria-laden water runs off without touching their leaves.


Camellias are perennial favorites among northern gardeners due to their lush, petaled blooms, making them the perfect addition to home landscapes and long-lasting additions to home landscapes alike. Comparable in terms of bloom size to peonies, camellias can add beauty and fragrance into the home landscape for years. Container grown nursery plants may be planted any time of year except during hot weather – though camellias may grow less vigorously on very sandy or alkaline soil conditions.

Camellia trees or shrubs make an excellent addition to home gardens in warm climates, especially as fall and winter approaches. Over the years, camellias have been cultivated into hundreds of varieties with various flower colors, sizes and shapes as well as growth habits and fragrances – look out for newer cultivars such as ‘Strawberry Limeade’ (Camellia sasanqua) for Zones 7-10 which produces strawberry pink blooms with lime green tips and centers; or ‘Early Autumn’ (C. japonica) which bloom lavender rose blooms that hardy up to Zone 7 respectively.

Staggering the plantings of early, mid-winter and late varieties allows you to enjoy camellia blooms from November through spring in most areas. Camellias are evergreen plants that can reach heights between 1-12 feet with various forms and flower colors that bloom all season long – many being highly fragrant while some remain fragrance free.

As with azaleas and rhododendrons, camellias prefer acidic soil conditions. To ensure their wellbeing, amend soil using E.B. Stone Organics Azalea Camellia Gardenia Planting Mix before planting either spring or fall and mulching after to help regulate temperature and moisture without covering roots.

If you want to grow camellias from seeds, harvest the pods when they begin to crack slightly and soak them for 12 hours in water to aid their germination. When ready, plant them in well-drained planting media such as potting soil, peat moss or mixture of peat moss and sand; usually seedlings emerge within one month. However, be aware that camellia seeds don’t come true from seed so the results may not match exactly to what was seen on their parent plant!


One of the best graduation presents you can give is a plant. Not only will it add beauty and show your support and wish for their success, but you could choose something like lucky bamboo or money plants for decorative effect, or opt for practical plants like rubber ficus or Chinese money plants (available at Bloom & Wild for less than PS35).

Another fantastic gift idea would be selecting a houseplant that requires minimal care and maintenance, ensuring they can enjoy it for many years to come and serve as a constant reminder of their achievements.

Contrary to most flowers that represent love or affection, amaryllis flowers have more of an unifying meaning. It represents dedication and inner strength as represented in ancient Greek mythology by Amaryllis’ fierce devotion for Alteo; red amaryllis can symbolize romantic love while white ones symbolize purity and innocence.

Amaryllis are easy to grow and make great houseplants. Once the flowers have faded, store the bulb in a cool, dark and dry area until spring or summer when it can be planted again outdoors. To promote new blooming cycles of amaryllis reblooming, treat it like any houseplant by providing ample moisture (but no overwatering) as well as monthly feeding with general liquid houseplant fertilizer.

Add flowers to your graduation gift to further personalize it! Chrysanthemums can express sincerity and gratitude while carnations express admiration or appreciation; purple hydrangeas represent depth of understanding – an excellent way to acknowledge what your graduate has gained through studies; while some iris blossoms convey hope and courage. Need more ideas? Check out our comprehensive guide of flower meanings and symbols; you may just find the ideal bloom to send your congratulations and wish your graduate well!